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Saturday, October 9 2010


Good news! I have my horizon again!

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The maize has been cut 3 weeks before last year, what a relief (un soulagement). I came back from Paris the day before yesterday at 7pm to hear a terrible noise just in front of the house. It was the combine harvester (la moissonneuse batteuse) cutting the maize.

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I was so pleased in spite of (malgré) the noise. The next day they came back to finish and I was between two lots of noises: there was the combine harvester, two tractors and two trucks on one side and the wine press on the other. What a noise! A lot worse than (pire que) Paris where I had just come from. And they say the country is calm!

On Wednesday, this was my view:

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This is one of the four towers of the National Library built by François Mitterand. It is high, severe and cold - inside too. Not a very nice place - and apart from the bookshop, you don't see one single book! And you have to pay four euros to read the newspapers. Not my idea of a library.

Tuesday, September 21 2010


Beautiful weather, sunshine and blue sky, great photos:

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We visited our favourite sites, the Eiffel Tower and the Sacré Coeur and then we felt at home again. :)

The modern buildings are beautiful too: this is the Bastille Opera.

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We went walking every afternoon and to the theatre every evening. We saw some good shows, but not a five star one this time.

Thursday, May 27 2010


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It was very hot at the weekend when I was in Paris and a lot of Parisian women were in shorts. Here you can see them enjoying the sun on the quays of the Seine.
The big event was Nature on the Champs Elysées.

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This is the poster on the side of the road which shows an overall view.There were trees, bushes, flowers, fruit and vegetables...and of course people, thousands of people!

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                            Pine trees

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                            Tomatoes and strawberries.

Everything was planted in boxes to be easy to transport, it was unbelievably (incroyablement) well organised. The visitors were very happy to see all these plants, but didn't always know what they were: there were not enough labels (pas assez d'étiquettes). They strolled slowly and calmly looking at everything, very interested, and delighted (enchantés) when they recognized something.

Sunday, May 16 2010


A garden in the country is very nice, but a courtyard in Paris is not bad either:

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This one's beautiful in its simplicity. I didn't know that in the streets behind these big doors are courtyards like this, or even more beautiful.
In the past, before cars, the horses and carriages (les chevaux et carosses) came into these courtyards. Now if they are not used for cars, some have gardens, flowers and trees in pots and once the doors are closed you can't hear the town noises. (Vous n'entendez pas les bruits de la ville). When you are in the street you don't imagine that behind the doors there are little oasis of calm!
Paris, because tomorrow I'm going to Paris again for a week - without my computer - so there will be no entry in this blog. I haven't disappeared, I'll be back, with more photos. See you (à plus) :)

Tuesday, May 11 2010


On the redbubble site( again!) I belong to a group called "Alphabet Soup" and at the moment it's letter "S".
Here are my entries ( I'm allowed 2):

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Strawberries and stripes (des rayures).
The strawberries were taken on a street stall (un étalage) in Paris. I bought some, they were delicious,sweet and juicy ( juteuses).
"Stripes" was taken in Paris too; unfortunately (malheureusement) I don't know where it is, I was just passing at the end of the street. CLICK here and you can see the other entries. Do you think mine are best? See if you can find all the names of the photos beginning with "S".
I had other photos beginning with "S" to choose from, it's difficult to choose. I have snails, station, statue, socks, swan (un cygne), shells and stones (coquillages et cailloux), spots - like the photo below- ...
I was voted in the Top Ten with me photo of strawberries. Yuppee!

Thursday, April 29 2010


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This is the minaret of the GRAND MOSQUE IN PARIS, we went on a guided visit and it was very interesting. The arabian architecture is beautiful: the walls covered with coloured tiles and the decorated arches.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP> It is obviously very different from everything else in Paris.

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This is what the building looks like from the other side.The garden inside was beautiful, with purple wisteria(glycine) decorating the walls.

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We went in the tea garden and drank a glass of mint tea with a honey patisserie, mmm, delicious.

Tuesday, April 27 2010


When we go to Paris we go to the theatre every evening; we buy our tickets half price at the kiosk. Last week I loved the play adapted from the book by Katarina Mazetti "Le mec de la tombe d'à côté". It was about the shock of culture differences, a couple with nothing in common who end up in love. He's a farmer, she's a librairian and they meet in the cemetary, (he's lost his mother, she's lost her husband), and even their tombs are completely different. The actors were very good and the play very amusing.


A friend lent me the book - she hasn't seen the play, I haven't read the book, so we'll exchange impression after.

That explains why today I went to take photos in the cemetary, and I found two tombs like in the play, completely different.

This would be his

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This would be hers - it's even got a book!

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Which one do you prefer? Not a good question? Well the play was very amusing. READ a critics opinion''.
More about Paris soon.

Monday, April 26 2010


Well, I HAVE to photograph the Eiffel Tower every time I go, it's always different.

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This photo is taken through the wall of the Quai Branly museum. I visited the exposition "Autres Maïtres de l'Inde"]


I was fascinated by the enormous, 3m high, clay (terre cuite) sculptures representing horses,elephants and tigers from Tamil nadu, southern India.

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They were very unusual, I would love a white horse in my garden! (There was one outside in fact, in the garden of the museum).
There were also some decorated ones:

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The painted pictures were unusual too and full of intricate details:

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This one is painted with white paint on cloth covered with cow dung (bouse de vache!). The name of the artist is Jiva Some Mashe ]
I enjoyed this exhibition, it was nice to discover something different.