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Sunday, September 9 2012



What sort of a garden is behind the gates? Flowers? Vegetables? Fountains, lakes? Trees? Fruit trees? Stone sculptures? Secrets?

Wednesday, January 4 2012



The thermometer on the window-sill rebord de fenêtre) on January 1st: 14°, warm; I was sitting in the sun.

The view out of my window over the garden in winter; the Christmas tree illuminations are still in the tree. On my window sill I have a XXL size teacup with cyclamens and violas. The weather is mild (doux) but there is a lot of rain and wind (vent).

Saturday, February 12 2011


The garden of Rodin's museum offers some beautiful opportunities for photos:

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This is a view of les Invalides from the garden and a statue of Henry Moore on show at this time in a temporary exhibition.

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Here is Balzac, the famous writer, and le penseur, THE THINKER
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Sunday, June 13 2010

POPPIES in the garden

Poppies again, but they are just too beautiful (trop beaux!) when the morning sun shines through them, I couldn't resist taking the photo.

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This is what Wikipedia says about them. "Symbolism

Poppies have long been used as a symbol of both sleep ( le sommeil) and death (la mort): sleep because of the opium extracted from them, and death because of their (commonly) blood-red color. In Greco-Roman myths, poppies were used as offerings to the dead.1 Poppies are used as emblems on tombstones to symbolize eternal sleep. A second meaning for the depiction and use of poppies in Greco-Roman myths is the symbolism of the bright scarlet colour as signifying the promise of resurrection after death.2 The poppy of wartime remembrance is Papaver rhoeas, the red flowered Corn poppy."

Friday, May 14 2010


Music in the garden today - what luxury! The birds who usually(habituellement) sing, were very surprised.

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It was a beautiful, warm, sunny day and the music just added something special. (C'était une belle journée douce et ensoleillée et la musique était un plus.) Stéphanie was rehearsing (elle répétait) for a show in the evening where she accompanies a local storyteller (un conteur). She plays the accordeon, the flute and the cello, she's very good.

I finished planting the flowers:

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Don't you think these are just original? I bought them in the local supermarket, only 7 euros each (chacune), and I think they look a lot better than ordinary window boxes. They are specially for plants the cups have a hole (un trou) in the bottom, so I can't drink my breakfast chocolate in them; :)

Thursday, May 13 2010


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Back to colours, I feel better (je me sens mieux). :) I took this photo in a shop selling paint. I don't like the greens very much, I prefer the reds and yellows. In fact those are the colours I planted in my garden today.

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They are purslane (pourpiers) and are supposed to not like water!

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In this photo you can see a wheelbarrow , a spade,and a trowel (une brouette, une bêche et une déplantoir).
I planted my flowers in a pot with lots of home-made compost. We make our own (notre propre) compost with all the green waste(déchets organiques) from the kitchen; it's very good for the plants.

Thursday, April 29 2010


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This is the minaret of the GRAND MOSQUE IN PARIS, we went on a guided visit and it was very interesting. The arabian architecture is beautiful: the walls covered with coloured tiles and the decorated arches.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP> It is obviously very different from everything else in Paris.

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This is what the building looks like from the other side.The garden inside was beautiful, with purple wisteria(glycine) decorating the walls.

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We went in the tea garden and drank a glass of mint tea with a honey patisserie, mmm, delicious.

Friday, April 16 2010

Peach flower

A little softness after all these hard angles and corners; it's a long time since I uploaded a flower, so here is a peach flower growing in my garden:

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I have 6 peach trees, I hope the flowers will develop into peaches then in July I'll be able to make peach jam (confiture). Last year I made some and it was delicious; instead of writing "Peach Jam" on the label I wrote "Summer in a Jar", because that's what it looks and tastes like.

Wednesday, April 14 2010

Dripping blood / Sang qui coule

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I saw these big urns in my local garden centre, the vivid red paint running down looks like blood (du sang). They're very impressive and I love the colours but I don't know if I'd like them on my terrace, they're a bit gory. :( I didnt look at the price, but they're probably expensive.

Here's something else vibrant red:

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This incredible cockerel is in a children's book called "Salut Poulette" and the illustrator is Catherine Allard. ++BUY++
Her animal portraits are so alive and vibrant. She is going to illustrate my husband's next book for children. More later (à suivre)

Friday, April 9 2010

My horizon

This photo's quite different, but it has a story.

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"A tractor,", I hear you say. Yes, but you didn't look far enough (assez loin), the title is 'My Horizon'.
This is the view I have from my house, I can see the horizon and it's very important for me, I need space, I need to see. I bought this house 12 years ago because it has a beautiful view over the fields.
The story? That tractor is preparing the soil and

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this one is planting maize. In 15 days the maize will start growing, it will grow and grow and grow and will finally block my view! I will not be able to see the horizon, just a wall of maize, and like that from July to the beginning of November. 4 months behind a green, then yellow, then brown wall.
When it is finally cut it's like a prison opening, suddenly I can see again!
So I'm not happy to see the this tractor in "my" field.
I also photographed the tractors to send the photos to my 3 year-old grandson who loves tractors.