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Tag - delicious

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Tuesday, August 31 2010


<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

After plums and plum jam, here's plum tart - delicious! Two of us were making the tart and couldn't agree: one said plums up, the other said plums down; so we did the tart half and half (moitié moitié). Both halves (les deux moitiés) were equally (également) delicious, especially with a blob (un pschitt) of chantilly. It's so easy and quick (I bought the puff pastry (pâte feuilletée), this is the third one I've made and there are some more plums to make another one (une autre).
Also I've put the photo on redbubble in the Weekly challenge group: this week it's "SWEET TREATS" (gourmandise sucrées).

Wednesday, June 9 2010


<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It was raining today, so we did some baking (nous avons fait de la patisserie). This was the result, not exactly as they were supposed to be but they tasted delicious warm (tiède) with butter!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It is an English recipe (recette), like brioche but with spices and raisins, and it was the first time I had tried it. I will certainly make them again.

Tuesday, May 11 2010


On the redbubble site( again!) I belong to a group called "Alphabet Soup" and at the moment it's letter "S".
Here are my entries ( I'm allowed 2):

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Strawberries and stripes (des rayures).
The strawberries were taken on a street stall (un étalage) in Paris. I bought some, they were delicious,sweet and juicy ( juteuses).
"Stripes" was taken in Paris too; unfortunately (malheureusement) I don't know where it is, I was just passing at the end of the street. CLICK here and you can see the other entries. Do you think mine are best? See if you can find all the names of the photos beginning with "S".
I had other photos beginning with "S" to choose from, it's difficult to choose. I have snails, station, statue, socks, swan (un cygne), shells and stones (coquillages et cailloux), spots - like the photo below- ...
I was voted in the Top Ten with me photo of strawberries. Yuppee!