A garden in the country is very nice, but a courtyard in Paris is not bad either:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This one's beautiful in its simplicity. I didn't know that in the streets behind these big doors are courtyards like this, or even more beautiful.
In the past, before cars, the horses and carriages (les chevaux et carosses) came into these courtyards. Now if they are not used for cars, some have gardens, flowers and trees in pots and once the doors are closed you can't hear the town noises. (Vous n'entendez pas les bruits de la ville). When you are in the street you don't imagine that behind the doors there are little oasis of calm!
Paris, because tomorrow I'm going to Paris again for a week - without my computer - so there will be no entry in this blog. I haven't disappeared, I'll be back, with more photos. See you (à plus) :)