Good news! I have my horizon again!

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The maize has been cut 3 weeks before last year, what a relief (un soulagement). I came back from Paris the day before yesterday at 7pm to hear a terrible noise just in front of the house. It was the combine harvester (la moissonneuse batteuse) cutting the maize.

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I was so pleased in spite of (malgré) the noise. The next day they came back to finish and I was between two lots of noises: there was the combine harvester, two tractors and two trucks on one side and the wine press on the other. What a noise! A lot worse than (pire que) Paris where I had just come from. And they say the country is calm!

On Wednesday, this was my view:

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This is one of the four towers of the National Library built by François Mitterand. It is high, severe and cold - inside too. Not a very nice place - and apart from the bookshop, you don't see one single book! And you have to pay four euros to read the newspapers. Not my idea of a library.