My photo blog

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Sunday, November 25 2012



Beautiful blue lights at the Rond point de l'Elysée on the Champs Elysées at the end of November in the rain.


Beautiful blue street art in the Belleville district by ROTI a very well-written article - in French.


As it says, it's a sort of Noah's ark driven by a rabbit - what imagination!

Tuesday, May 4 2010


<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Where did I go today to see a wall like this? No, not Paris, in Charente Maritime.
It's one of the front walls of my local Leclerc supermarket! I went to print some photos in the automatic machine.
And also to get my tickets for an exhibition in Paris, CRIMES ET CHATIMENTS at the Orsay museum, that I bought on the Internet. It wasn't possible to print them at home, Click on the link and you can hear what Robert Badinter says about the exhibition. He explains that the Bible says the first man born on earth was Caïn who was an assassin. You can also see the guillotine that was last used in 1972!
I'm going to the exhibition in May but I bought tickets so as not to wait in the queue - I don't like queueing and in Paris it's a waste of time(une perte de temps).

Sunday, April 18 2010

Summer today

The weather was beautiful today, hot and sunny with no cold wind like the other days.
The swimming pool in the garden is now open after 6 months under a green cover. The water is clean, clear and blue.
Fortunately I didn't find anything like this in it!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It looks like a jellyfish, doesn't it? It's rust and scratches on a blue skip - my second one.
Now I have put the summer cover on the pool and I'm waiting for it to heat up: today the water was only 18°, a bit cool for a swim!

After 14 days of entries in this blog, there will be no more for a week because I'm going to Paris. Instead of rusty skips and tractors the photos will be completely different when I come back. Instead of the fields (champs) and woods (bois) I will be surrounded by buildings, traffic and people. I can tell you the first photo will be of the Eiffel Tower, I love it, it's amazing and I always go to see it when I go to Paris.
So, if all goes well, in spite of strikes (des grèves) and volcano ash (cendres), I'll be back on the blog on Monday 26th April. Bye for now.

Thursday, April 8 2010

Rusty skip : benne rouillée

Today I just had to return to the rusty skip to see it again and take more photos; this time I got very near and took some close-ups.

Leave me alone!

Unbelievable!, No?
It look like a curious creature in the sea being attacked by a smaller one, doesn't it? My title for this one is "Leave me alone!" (Laisse-moi tranquil!)
The skip is blue and the rust shows where the paint has split (éclatée). I love modern,abstract art, and I love blue.
Here is another one:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

The title is "Falling fire".
I took a lot of photos but I have to choose the best. Perhaps I will take a photo of the skip so you can see it. Or shall I keep the mystery?

Wednesday, April 7 2010

Radishes and abstract art

I just couldn't resist this photo from the local supermarket, what vibrant colours!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

I didn't buy any, I didn't notice the price and I didn't read where they came from. But I looked on Internet to find the nutritional value of a radish! No value you think? Well, read this:

Nutrition Facts and Information about Radish:

"Radish has excellent levels of copper, manganese and potassium. It is also a good source of calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorous, zinc and sodium.

Vitamin Content: Radishes are a very good source of vitamin c and vitamin k. They also contain riboflavin and vitamin b6.

Calorie Content of Radish: 100g of radish contains 16 calories only. Radish is low in saturated fat and very low in cholesterol. They are also very good source of dietary fiber.

Health Benefits of Radish: Radish has anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal properties. It is beneficial for cough, respiratory problems, digestive disorders, asthma, bronchitis and liver and gallbladder troubles".

Unbelievable, no?
That's all supposing they're organic and not polluted by chemicals and you don't eat them with bread and lots of butter.
Tomorrow I'm going back to the shop to buy some!

After going to the supermarket I drove round the town to take some photos and I was very excited because I found my first rusty skip ( benne rouillée). :)) Explanations are needed here.
On the redbubble site the photos I prefer are in the group Abstract Urban Art (lien en bas de page): I like abstract art and these brilliant photos are often of rust and paint marks on skips. I finally found one today, a blue one. I took a lot of photos, here is one of my favourites

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>.

I didn't find a title, can you suggest one?

Tuesday, April 6 2010

In April 2009 I found, by chance on Internet, and joined the art site
I love this site: there are hundreds of themed groups for all different subjects that organise challenges. I enjoy competing in the challenges and seeing other people's work. It's a site in English and most people come from America, Australia or South Africa, but there are people from all over the world.
It changed completely my photos, now I take abstract "art": blocks of colours, forms, everyday objects.
Click on 'my folio' link - en bas de page - and see my folio and look at the names of the groups I belong to.
One of the groups I belong to that I like very much is called "Wall of the world" (lien en bas de page) and is just for photos of walls! There are some fantastic unusual photos.
This is my latest wall photo. What do you think of it? :)) The title is "Bleeding wall" (Mur qui saigne".)

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Or this one?

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

I'll show you some of my other photos another day.

Sunday, April 4 2010

My first macro

This is an artichoke flower from my neighbour's garden. I was very lucky to get the photo, she usually eats them before they flower!

Mon premier macro

In 2006 I bought a digital camera which can take macro photos: a Samsung Digimax i6 and I'm really enjoying it. This was my first photo and I think it's beautiful, the colour is so vivid; it encouraged me to continue. I took a lot of photos in my garden.

29th September, this photo has been featured (choisie) in the "ONE SINGLE FLOWER GROUP"


I'm so pleased. It proves that I was on the right track (sur le bon chemin) from the start.