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Friday, November 5 2010


<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Original? No? I've just put the photo in a CHALLENGE on redbubble - I needed one flower with a hand or part of a hand. I should have drawn (j'aurais dû dessiner) eyes and a mouth on my finger, that would have been funny (ç'aurait été drôle).

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Look at the autumn colour of this tree in my garden - you can see why its name is liquidamber (pronounced liquidambarre in french qui ne veut rien dire!).

Sunday, October 31 2010


One hour more to sleep today, but one hour less of daylight in the evening every day! Long live (vive) Spring.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Autumn leaves floating in the water.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

A chrysathemum, cemetary flowers in France - why? I found the answer on INTERNET of course: on 11th November 1919, the first anniversary of the end of the war, Poincaré ordered that flowers be put on all the tombs in France. The only flowers produced in sufficient quantity at this time of year were chysanthemums. In Anglo-Saxon countries they have nothing to do with death (la mort) and in Asian countries they signify joy and happiness and even eat the petals in salads.
There are some beautiful varieties and colours, what a shame (quel dommage) that they are produced and bought mostly to put on the tombs in the cemetaries. 23 million plants are produced in France, 22.1 million sold for the 1st November and the cemetaries.

Friday, September 24 2010


Making up for lost time (rattrappant le temps perdu), I put five photos in challenges today! I wonder (je me demande) if I'll be featured (choisie).

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This one in "EXTERIOR STAIRS NOT ATTACHED TO A BUILDING" in the Which Way (quel chemin) group. I took it last week in Montmartre of course.

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This one in "ONE SINGLE FLOWER IN A VASE" in the Single Flower group; a tiny (minuscule) wild flower in a tiny glass. It is a greater celandine (une chélidoine/herbe aux verrues): if you break the stem (la tige) it has thick yellow juice which is supposed to cure (guerir) warts.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This one in the "SMALL BOATS" in the Photography Challenge group. I took it in the Seudre estuary in Charente Maritime. To fish there is a small square net attached to the pole at the back (l'arrière) which is lowered in the water.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This one in the "LET'S HUNT FOR FALL COLOURS" in the Scavenger Hunt group. This is a liquidamber tree in my garden, it's beautiful.

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This one in "EYE CONTACT - ANIMALS" in the Scavenger Hunt group. Look at this monkey's (singe) beautiful blue eyes!
They're all very different photos; the boat and the autumn leaves have already been ticked as (ont été coché déjà comme) favourites by other bubblers. Bravo me!

Thursday, August 19 2010

AUTUMN ALREADY? Déjà l'automne?

Autumn already? No! Well, look at this photo:

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These are hawthorn berries (des baies d'aubépine) already brilliant red. They're food (de la nourriture) for the birds in winter, but hey! it's not winter yet! (pas encore) Where did summer go?
It's very dry (sec) here in Charente Maritime, France, we haven't had any rain for months, apart from (hormis) a shower or two. Proof: my husband takes note every time he mows the lawn (tond la pelouse) and for the last ten years the eleventh time in the year (la onzième fois de l'année) was always in May. This year it was today August 20th!
It hasn't been hot (il n'a pas fait chaud), only a few days up to 30°. A strange summer.
Well at least it's better than in the south of England where it's been raining all the time (tout le temps). But, they have beautiful gardens there, flowers and vegetables... You can't have everything. (On ne peut pas tout avoir).