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Tag - swallows

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Monday, May 23 2011

GARDEN BIRDS - oiseaux

These photos are not very good because the birds were a long way away.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
This is a couple of hoopoes that are digging for insects in the garden; I love these, they're beautiful birds.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
These swallows came to visit my kitchen, they even (même) spent the night (passé la nuit) there! They want to build their nest (nid) in there, but as much as (autant que) I love swallows, I can't leave my door open day and night for them to come and go!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
This swallow is dead (mort), poor thing (le pauvre!) It drowned (elle s'est noyée) in my swimming pool (piscine)! They all love diving (plonger) under the water in full flight (en plein vol) but this time there was an accident. I didn't see it, a pity (dommage) because I might have been able to save it (j'aurais peut-être pu la sauver) with my net (filet). Perhaps it was one that came to visit my kitchen!

Thursday, September 9 2010

TOYS - jouets

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Toys have replaced the plums and apples in the basket, and as you can see they are a little boy's toys. He's very good (sage) but he keeps us busy all day.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

The water in the swimming pool is only 20° now: a little too cold, except for the swallows who love to come for a dip (un plongeon) in the evening.They fly so fast that they are difficult to catch on a photo, but I managed it (j'y suis arrivé). There are about 40 here this year, that's a lot when they all come to the pool. They will leave soon to fly to Africa for the winter and the sky will be silent and empty (vide).

Thursday, July 15 2010

SWALLOWS - hirondelles

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Swallows are one of my favourite birds; when they arrive it means spring is here. The skies are full of chatter (bavardage) and they love diving (plonger) and drinking in my pool. 12 years ago there were 8 couples in my hamlet, now there are only 2! Swallows eat insects but there are less (moins de) insects because of insecticides, so there are less swallows.