<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Just look at this! Can you believe it? Well it exists in Avenue Wagram not far from the Arc de Triomphe. Unbelievable. How on earth did the proprietor get planning permission to build this modern building here?
I'm not against modern buildings, on the contrary, I think France is should be more daring (plus osé) with its new projects, but here, it's shocking. I like the one on the left, I like the one on the right, but joined together it's a heresy.
Apparently they've had to put curtains (des rideaux) behind the glass, it's facing south-east I think, it must be terribly hot in there. So what's the use (quelle est l'utilité) of a glass wall if you have to close it off with curtains?