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Tag - cherries

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Sunday, May 29 2011


This typical French dessert is so easy to make - and so delicious to eat!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

You need 60g of flour (farine), 100g of sugar (sucre), 2 eggs and 1/4 litre of milk (lait).
Mix, and pour (versez) onto fruit - preferably bitter cherries (griottes) in a buttered dish (plat beurré).
Cook for 25 minutes in the oven (four) at 180°
Leave to cool, then eat with vanilla ice cream or fresh cream. Mmmm!

Thursday, June 10 2010


At the moment we're having showers (des averses), in fact the weather is more like April than June. Today they were thunder (orageuses) showers and it rained a lot. When the sun came out again I went out to take some photos of rain drops; sometimes they are beautiful.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

These rain drops are on a poppy (un coquelicot); did you know these beautiful flowers were so hairy (poilus)?!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It's cherry time, they are ripe (mûres), red and delicious, and the birds (les oiseaux) like them too! I have eaten a lot, but I have also made 5 jars of jam (pots de confiture).