<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Where did I go today to see a wall like this? No, not Paris, in Charente Maritime.
It's one of the front walls of my local Leclerc supermarket! I went to print some photos in the automatic machine.
And also to get my tickets for an exhibition in Paris, CRIMES ET CHATIMENTS at the Orsay museum, that I bought on the Internet. It wasn't possible to print them at home, Click on the link and you can hear what Robert Badinter says about the exhibition. He explains that the Bible says the first man born on earth was Caïn who was an assassin. You can also see the guillotine that was last used in 1972!
I'm going to the exhibition in May but I bought tickets so as not to wait in the queue - I don't like queueing and in Paris it's a waste of time(une perte de temps).