The weather was beautiful today, hot and sunny with no cold wind like the other days.
The swimming pool in the garden is now open after 6 months under a green cover. The water is clean, clear and blue.
Fortunately I didn't find anything like this in it!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It looks like a jellyfish, doesn't it? It's rust and scratches on a blue skip - my second one.
Now I have put the summer cover on the pool and I'm waiting for it to heat up: today the water was only 18°, a bit cool for a swim!

After 14 days of entries in this blog, there will be no more for a week because I'm going to Paris. Instead of rusty skips and tractors the photos will be completely different when I come back. Instead of the fields (champs) and woods (bois) I will be surrounded by buildings, traffic and people. I can tell you the first photo will be of the Eiffel Tower, I love it, it's amazing and I always go to see it when I go to Paris.
So, if all goes well, in spite of strikes (des grèves) and volcano ash (cendres), I'll be back on the blog on Monday 26th April. Bye for now.