I'm having a run of success in the WALL OF THE WORLD group on redbubble. I have two photos featured on the same page!! I'm so proud again. Success here means other people think my photos are good, means encouragement to continue taking unusual photos. Here they are:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This was the wall of the Adidas shop on the Champs Elysées during the Roland Garros tennis tournament. It was high up (en haut) and I couldn't get near to see how it was made; pity.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This is a glass building with reflections, also in Paris. The reflections are fantastic, all different colours. Of course in Paris there are lots of different possibilities, but it's not easy, there are building works everywhere.