Autumn already? No! Well, look at this photo:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

These are hawthorn berries (des baies d'aubépine) already brilliant red. They're food (de la nourriture) for the birds in winter, but hey! it's not winter yet! (pas encore) Where did summer go?
It's very dry (sec) here in Charente Maritime, France, we haven't had any rain for months, apart from (hormis) a shower or two. Proof: my husband takes note every time he mows the lawn (tond la pelouse) and for the last ten years the eleventh time in the year (la onzième fois de l'année) was always in May. This year it was today August 20th!
It hasn't been hot (il n'a pas fait chaud), only a few days up to 30°. A strange summer.
Well at least it's better than in the south of England where it's been raining all the time (tout le temps). But, they have beautiful gardens there, flowers and vegetables... You can't have everything. (On ne peut pas tout avoir).