Cooking today: yoghurt cake with dates and walnuts (des noix). It's delicious, I love it; you can do so many different things with the yoghurt cake recipe.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Use the yogurt pot for measuring and mix in this order: 3 pots of flour (farine), 1 sachet of baking powder (levure), 1 pot of sugar (sucre), 2 eggs, the pot of yogurt, I pot of oil. You can add what you like : this time I added chopped (haché) dates and walnuts. I cooked it in a loaf tin (un moule à cake) for a change and this was the result:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Light and moist ( léger et moelleux) and an unusal taste (un goût original).