Without (sans) my computer for a week because of infections! Who fabricates these things? Just to annoy (embêter) people, innocent people like me who are just amusing themselves on the web! What do I do on the web? I compose this blog, I create a site with English exercises and reading, I read the Daily Mail, I consult my emails and reply, I buy second-hand (d'occasion) books, I upload (télécharge) photos onto redbubble site and love it when people say my photos are beautiful, sometimes I surf and find all sorts of interesting things. I had to spend (dépenser) 70 euros to have my computer disinfected! Did that in any way (en aucune façon) benefit the people who created the worms and viruses? Certainly not!
Well, I'm back, after one week in Paris where I took some photos of fabulous wall paintings again.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Just look at this one, the detail is amazing; it was very big.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This one was big too, amazing! I love them,