Redbubble today did a special MONDAY MISSION where you had to photograph what you could see from your window. This is what I put in:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

I didn't cheat (tricher), some people did. It said specifically "get up and show us what you can see. The view from your window, front door or office. Perhaps the end of your street or top of the nearest hill (colline). You can draw (dessiner) a picture if you don’t have a camera, just show us your view of your part of the world, right now." I thought it was a good idea, but everybody had to respect or it wasn't interesting.
I was sitting in my living room on the sofa with my laptop, I got up and took this photo through the pearl curtains (rideaux) at the window. Actually I did this myself (moi-même) on the first day of each month, to see the changes in the garden,
I once saw a challenge which said
"Go out, walk 100 steps (pas) and take a photo". I haven't tried it yet, tomorrow perhaps?