Hooray again!

I'm having a run of success in the challenges on the redbubble site, how encouraging!
I won a challenge with a prize of a $20 voucher to spend on the site!
In the "Wall of the World" group I was voted the best out of 33 entries with my photo in the challenge "Wall with a person".

Here is my winning photo

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

It is a photo of a statue in Paris to commemorate the writer Marcel Aymé; it represents the main character in his short story "Passe Muraille" about the man who could pass through walls. You can read a shorter version of the story translated into English HERE. Enjoy it.

CLICK and look at the other photos in the challenge.

2 days ago another photo was voted in the Top Ten of the "Extreme Close-ups" group in the challenge "Lichens and mosses", here it is:


These are true colours, these lichens were growing on a tree trunk in my garden in Charente Maritime, France. If you want to see the other entries CLICK HERE