Mould AGAIN, look, it's fascinating!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This time on a tomato, hence (d'où) the red background. It would be better if I ate them before they became mouldy!
Tomatoes are horrible these days (de nos jours), they have no taste at all, they're just wet (mouillées). I can't grow them in my garden - I've tried. My neighbour has some fantastic ones in her garden: each plant has 10 kgs of fruit!!
In England you can buy GROW BAGS: a big bag full of soil(de la terre) and you plant your tomato plants in the bag. Brilliant! You can put them anywhere, even on a balcony, or in your bathroom if it's sunny. Why not?
CLICK HERE and you can see and read how to make a grow bag that hangs up (se suspend), génial!
If you choose a bigger bag you can grow POTATOES in it. I'm going to do that next year, instead of digging the garden I'm going to have a row of bags.