Just look at what I found when I cut open my mackerel today!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Yuck!! Disgusting!! Worms!! And one or two were still alive and moving (ils étaient vivants et ils bougeaient)!! Obviously there was no question of eating the fish!!
I had just bought them so I immediately took them back to the shop. The fishmonger (le poissonnier), when he saw them, also thought them disgusting, by the look on his face (vu son expression), but said " Ah! Fish worms! It sometimes happens. I'll give you your money back."
I didn't buy any other fish - for today that was enough (assez). I bought some steak instead (à la place); it was of course twice as expensive (deux fois plus cher).

Entry number 50 today!!