My photo blog

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Thursday, February 3 2011


Difficult "E" in English, this is what I found:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
An egg in an eggcup.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
and elephants on a shelf in a shop.

Thursday, August 5 2010

AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE - aussi loin que l'oeil puisse voir

I decided today it was time to lift my head and look further away than (plus loin que) the end of my nose or the macro image through my camera! In fact I was inspired by a PHOTO I saw on redbubble that was taken in America.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This is mine; I drove ten kilometres out of town, got out of the car, stood in the middle of the road - there was no traffic- and took my photo. But I soon came home, I don't like empty (vide) roads nor road movies; so I went home and cooked myself lunch:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
Garden ripe tomatoes with onions and herbs, an egg and some fresh french bread, Mmm. I had apricots for dessert.