Our tea on Easter Monday, home-made chocolate and vanilla buns decorated with Spring garden flowers by my grand-daughter - beautiful - and delicious. And they're so easy (facile), just the old Tupperware yoghurt cake recipe cooked in paper bun cases (caissettes) for 10 minutes. Unfortunately we had visitors so we didn't have many each, we had to share (partager)! We accompanied them with tea flavoured with ginger and cloves (clous de girofle), delicious also.
For lunch we had local oysters (huitres), a delicious pot-au-feu because the weather was cold and cherry clafoutis for dessert.
In the afternoon we flew kites (cerf-volants) in the garden because it was very windy (venteux). 'We' was me, my husband, my son, his wife and their two children -my grand children.