I just couldn't resist using my camera to testify to this cheating (tricherie)!

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

Just look at the size of the packet compared to the contents!! That is just unbelievable (incroyable)!! And I am the stupid person who bought it.
I could have made it myself (j'aurais pu le faire moi-même) for next to nothing as crumble is just flour, a little sugar and butter - and I would have been sure (j'aurais été sure) that it had no additives or conservatives.
I cooked it on top of rhubarb compote that I had bought (que j'avais achetée) which was too sweet (sucrée). But with a spoonful(cuillérée) of vanilla ice-cream (de la crème glacée) it was OK.
Obviously (évidemment) I won't buy it anymore (je ne l'acheterai plus), neither the crumble nor the rhubarb.