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Tuesday, December 7 2010


I've been making tiny trees with paper beads:

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

I find Christmas decorations extremely expensive this year, so I'm making my own (je les fais moi-même). t's a calm activity, keeps your hands busy (occupées) and doesn't stop you thinking or meditating. A fine activity for a rainy, cold day.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP> Here's how to do it. You need some shiny paper all different colours, a pair of scissors, a wooden brochette or a toothpick (un cure-dents) and some glue. Cut your paper in long trangles,
<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP> Roll the triangle up on the wooden stick and glue the end. <Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP> Make 8/10 rolls of different lengths and stick them on a piece of card to make a tree. You can make a hole in the top of the card and thread (enfiler) some string (ficelle) or thread (fil) to hang it up (pour le suspendre).

Tuesday, August 3 2010

PAPER BEADS perles en papier

As if I hadn't anything else to do! (Comme si je n'avais pas autrechose à faire!)

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

These are paper beads(des perles en papier) that I made from pages of shiny (brillant) magazine paper. Aren't I clever? (Ne suis-je pas douée?)
Here is how you do it:
<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
Cut out (découpez) a long triangle, roll it up on a wooden brochette, put some glue on the end, wait a minute...and there you are! Brilliant! You can thread (enfiler) the beads onto very fine elastic, tie a knot (faire un noeud) and make a beautiful necklace (collier) or bracelet.
I made a lovely red one with the front page of the Avignon theatre programme:
<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
You can use the same colours or mix them up, create what you like. Something other than (quelque chose d'autre que) threading on elastic, I haven't found an idea yet (je n'ai pas encore trouvé d'idée).
And it' ecological, recycling magazine paper instead (au lieu) of throwing it in the bin (le jeter à la poubelle). I will turn all those publicity leaflets into jewelry (des bijoux). I'm very proud of myself (je suis fière de moi)!