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Thursday, July 26 2012



How happy I am this year without the field of maize: I can see the horizon and there are beautiful colours with the field of sunflowers (tournesols). It's all so open and relaxing, I can just sit there and look. The barley is still there, it hasn't been harvested yet (il n'a pas encore été moissonné), but the field will still be the same colour afterwards (ensuite).

Wednesday, March 14 2012


I'm delighted (enchantée), this year I won't have maize in front of my house! This calls for a celebration.

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

This year it's barley (orge) so it won't grow 2.5 metres high and block my view for 5 months. It has just started to grow (pousser) in spite of the lack (malgré le manque) of rain. It will be a field of golden colour in June and be cut in July. I'm very happy.

Wednesday, June 2 2010


Poppies usually grow in crowds - what is this one doing all alone in the barley field (champ d'orge)?

<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>

In Scotland barley is used to make whisky, I don't know what they do with it here. I will have to ask my neighbour (mon voisin) the farmer.