<Digimax i6 PMP, Samsung #11 PMP>
It was hot today, over 30 degrees, and I don't particularly like the heat. When it gets to 30° I prefer to stay in the house where it's nice and cool. My house has thick stone walls which protect from the sun and if the windows and doors stay closed it is pleasant inside (à l'intérieur). I have tiled floors (des sols carrelés) and I like walking barefooted (pied-nus). Outside on the terrace the tiles get so hot it's impossible to walk on them barefooted! If only (si seulement) we could stock the heat for the winter :).
What was the sparkling (pétillant) drink in my glass? Just Schweppes, nothing exciting, but so refreshing when you're thirsty (quand vous avez soif).